Thursday, 4 October 2012


Faced with the fear of impending adulthood and having to behave in a manner befitting of a real grown-up, I have decided to undertake a year abroad in my degree programme. That is I have decided to delay the inevitable.

Considering that 50% of my degree programme is supposed to be German language and literature, I'd probably want to be getting my language level above that of being able to explain that I live in a dormer bungalow and that I think recycling is a very topical theme. So here I am in southern Germany, under the guise of improving my language skills, but in reality making daily linguistic and cultural blunders.

I've been here a month already and I have managed to avoid causing any major diplomatic crises. It's a story for another day, but I genuinely thought that I wouldn't be able to settle here or indeed cope with living abroad. Rather that having a complete meltdown, I've spent the past month meeting people from countries that I thought I'd never meet, visiting places I thought I'd never visit and experiencing things I thought I'd never experience. With that glut of clichés, I'll bid you adieu.


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